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Written by Manager on July 2, 2018

How Trampolines can spring you into a healthy way of living

Rebound Therapy

For my first blog post, I want to let you know how beneficial trampolines are to our health. We probably don't realise that because we are having too much fun jumping around.  *chuckles*

So Joyce, healthy living you say?

Yes indeed my friends! According to NASA, they found that 10 minutes bouncing on a trampoline is a more efficient cardiovascular workout than over 30 minutes of running. Their report states that:

“For similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the bio-mechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running.”

It certainly isn't an "Out of this World" discovery for NASA but for us and our Fit-N-ess buddies especially, we are jumping with joy knowing this. Houston, we certainly don't have a problem. Burning calories is just one of many benefits Trampolines can offer to you as a regular user which brings me to the main topic of this post- Rebound Therapy.

What is Rebound Therapy?

Good question. Rebound Therapy was founded in 1972 by Eddy Anderson which uses trampolines to provide opportunities for movement, therapeutic exercise and recreation for people across the spectrum of special needs. This therapy is more than just for special needs individuals or disability trampolining with the potential benefits being outstanding for anyone such as:

  • Strength of Limbs
  • Muscle Tone
  • Stamina
  • Stimulation of Digestive System
  • Internal Organ Massage
  • Clearing of Toxins in the Body



Upon my research of Rebound Therapy i was simply impressed at the level of commitment and effort that has gone in to establishing this Therapy and providing their knowledge and service to people throughout the UK which got me thinking... Maybe i should ask my Jump N Joy family if they are interested in having their very own Rebound Sessions right here in Alloa, Scotland?  Let us know if you are up for a round of Rebound, your girl Joyce can make these things happen ;)... Until next time.


Joyce x



Article written by Manager

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